You get the license for the first million in seven steps
We live in the world of the money population. The following applies more and more often: if you rely on others, you are left! Rely only on yourself as you acquire and apply the monetary knowledge. At this event we will show you how you will be earning your first million with network marketing in a few years. If you settle for less because you are okay with it, this event is important to you too. The “recipe for wealth” presented here is always the same.
Referral Marketing
Network marketing is the most successful sales system of all time, and for good reason. While the typical company founder mostly acts as a lone warrior and has to plan and implement single-handedly, the network novice can fall back on the knowledge of successful people. Network marketing is therefore a cooperation of many highly motivated people who think synchronously in terms of business and who all have only one goal: to support and encourage others to build their own business. Use this unique opportunity to achieve success even faster. We'll show you how.
This is how you make your quality visible
Professional success can be planned. A realization that is of the greatest importance in view of the wave of digitization that will sweep over us. In connection with artificial intelligence, it will change the world of work more permanently than the Internet. It has long been no longer enough to simply perform as an employee or freelancer. Increasingly, winners are those who manage to be perceived as experts in their field, their niche. They outshine others and / or magically attract customers while others are constantly chasing sales and profits.
You will receive your “ticket” to position yourself as a brand
In digital times with an inflationary range of information, it is becoming more and more difficult for individuals to be perceived by their target group. Values, passion and trust alone no longer provide a surge in demand. If you want to stand out from the crowd, you need a distinctive profile and an identity that inspires confidence. This is what personal branding stands for. Behind this is your very personal identity, which makes you a brand. The core of your brand expresses your special mix of character, talent, know-how and passion. The more clearly you position yourself as a brand, the faster you will be found by people seeking advice. On the other hand, you have to do less persuasion. Because a brand stands for trust in the familiar. Personal branding supports you in building your brand. The consumer is spoiled for choice. Is you the choice when he is looking for a solution to his financial problem? It falls on you when you've positioned yourself as a brand. This is the only way to stand out from the crowd. As you know from "Mr. Average "to" Mr. "Expert", you will learn at this event.
You will learn the vocabulary for successful communication
You can not communicate. People literally speak not just with their hands, feet, and mouth, but with their entire body. Body language is the language that is the only one of the more than 6000 different languages around the world to be understood without a word. Those who know how to use them correctly leave a lasting impression that will lead them to their goal faster.
You will receive the blueprint to build your career more successfully and faster
If you want to have a career, you need a plan. He cannot leave his life to chance or fate. The latter cannot be completely prevented, but a plan helps to achieve professional goals faster, easier and more efficiently. Without a plan, a person is like a leaf in the wind. Therefore, he will take the first job that he comes across to make money. But a job is not just about making money, literally at any cost. A job stands for the special abilities of us humans. Only those who love their job do not sell their soul because they follow the call of life. This is the place that life has reserved for him. This place is the basis for a self-determined, successful and profitable life, as we will prove on this day.
There is life before death
Whether man, woman or diverse, only a few manage to leave their comfort zone. Behind this is the fear of something new. "... Take the one from next door, because it is with the Federal Railroad ... You have your security there. Think about the nice boarding house at the Bundesbahn ... ", that's how singer Gitte sings about the ideal in her song" I want a cowboy as a man ". Even in music, which should distract us a little from the worries of everyday life, there is a desire for security. This security is sacred to many. That is why they usually move - and many people for a lifetime - only in said comfort zone. This zone surrounds them like a cage. Here they feel comfortable, secure and, above all, safe. Thanks to the routine, they know their living conditions. That doesn't always make you happy, but it calms you down. A high price is paid for this: boredom! We only have this one life and thus a manageable number of years. Nobody knows how many years we will end up on our lifetime account. The fact is that everyone has 86,400 seconds a day to shape their lives. But only very few do that. They work and do what is asked of them. It has nothing to do with quality of life. Many comfort themselves that things somehow continue after death. What a hope. Instead of hoping there will be an afterlife, one should have lived properly before death. At this event you will learn exactly how it is possible to live a carefree life.
Live happily at last
Being lucky is one thing, but your success is your own decision. It is in your own hands, it is up to you - you are the key to your success. Start to benefit from it professionally and privately.
· How to find the right strategy for your private and professional success
· How to overcome the limits you have set yourself
· How to turn your fears into courage
· How to get rid of your restrictive habits
· How to set powerful goals for yourself
· How to get more fun and joy in everyday life
· How to find strength and courage for new tasks
January 16, 2021 (10 a.m. to 6 p.m.) - Stuttgart
199 euros (plus VAT)